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Recent Blog Posts - Emerald Studio

Los principales beneficios del marketing de contenidos multilingüe


Vivimos en un mundo globalizado y donde las empresas buscan expandir su alcance para llegar a nuevos mercados. Una de las formas de hacerlo es a través del marketing de contenidos multilingüe que, como su nombre sugiere, se enfoca en crear y distribuir contenido de alto valor en varios idiomas. Esto permite conectar con audiencias diversas y establ...

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  449 Hits

5 tendencias emergentes en el mundo digital [2024]


El mundo digital cambia constantemente y 2024 no será la excepción. Aunque este año apenas comienza, ya vemos el desarrollo de ciertas tendencias o innovaciones de meses anteriores y que sin duda marcarán nuestra forma de trabajar.¿Cuáles son esas tendencias que están marcando nuestro mundo digital hoy en día y que seguiránhaciéndolo en los próximo...

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  684 Hits

10 tips to manage a Software project


Software project management refers to the branch of project management dedicated to the planning, scheduling, resource allocation, execution, monitoring, and delivery of software and web projects. Project management in software engineering differs from traditional project management in that software projects have a unique life-cycle process that re...

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  656 Hits

Most used CMS in the world


Creating a website has become easier than ever. There are many platforms to choose from, and most allow you to build just about any type of site. But due to the large number of options available, it may not be easy to choose among the best CMS (content management systems). In this article we will help you make that choice. We'll break down everythi...

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  693 Hits

The Manifest Names Emerald Studio As Ones of The Most Reviewed Mobile App Development Companies in Colombia


The mobile app development industry has grown by leaps and bounds over the last decade. It was impossible for anyone back then to imagine the kind of world we'd be living in today because of apps. In the same vein, it's newar impossible to predict how apps will continue to change the world ten years from now. It makes us very proud to know that our...

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  775 Hits

Descubre cuáles son las Redes Sociales más usadas en Colombia


Si quieres tener una idea de cuáles son las redes sociales más populares y utilizadas en Colombia, estás en el lugar adecuado. En este artículo exploraremos los datos de las principales plataformas de redes sociales en Colombia, para que sepas qué debes tener en cuenta para maximizar el alcance de tu marca o producto. Introducción En Colombia, much...

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  1694 Hits

The Manifest Hails Emerald Studio as one of the Most Reviewed App Developers in Colombia


Applications continue to play a huge role in our daily lives. Apart from entertainment, these new technologies have been utilized by businesses to create better customer experiences, services, and even products. They've become an integral part of our digital world and we can only see their values going up in the near future. Learn more about the ap...

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  799 Hits

5 Ways You Can Increase Sales Of Your Products Online

ecommerce-emerald-studio-buy Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich: https://www.pexels.com/photo/brown-cardboard-box-on-stainless-steel-shopping-cart-6214474/

It's no secret that ecommerce is a booming industry. In fact, global ecommerce sales are expected to reach $4.5 trillion by 2021. So, if you're selling products online, now is the time to focus on increasing sales and scaling your business. Scaling an ecommerce business is no easy feat. But with the right strategies in place, it is possible to achi...

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  1051 Hits

Learn the most commonly used terms in digital marketing

Marketing digital Emerald Studio Credits: Photo by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/photo/app-blur-business-close-up-270669/

Do you want to know which terms are most commonly used in digital marketing? In this article, we present to you the most commonly used terms in the field of digital marketing, along with their definitions so that you can understand them better. Whether you are a beginner or a professional in digital marketing, this article will help you deepen your knowledge in the world of digital marketing and keep up with the latest advancements. Learn the Most Commonly Used Terms in Digital Marketing! 

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  2769 Hits

The importance of digital presence for new businesses

La importancia de la presencia digital para las nuevas empresas

Today, having a strong online presence is almost a necessity for the growth of a new business. The COVID crisis and its many quarantines has birthed the need to rethink the traditional business model. The way companies have always operated is no longer good enough in the world's current context, so much has been revealed in 2020.

Many new entrepreneurs will make the simple choice of not investing any time or resources building a digital presence, and will prioritize other endeavors. Surely, a great online presence will come at a price, but, in the long run, it will never compare to the cost of its absence. 

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  2591 Hits

Benefits of having a mobile app for your business


 This new digital era we live in has popularized the use of cell phones equipped with a wide variety of applications that allow us to communicate with others, book trips, find directions, shop at supermarkets, and other activities that were not possible before from any device. According to the We Are Social research, as of last year, more than...

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  1153 Hits