?pid=2700338&fmt=gif Benefits of having a mobile app for your business - Emerald Studio

Benefits of having a mobile app for your business - Emerald Studio

Benefits of having a mobile app for your business


 This new digital era we live in has popularized the use of cell phones equipped with a wide variety of applications that allow us to communicate with others, book trips, find directions, shop at supermarkets, and other activities that were not possible before from any device.

According to the We Are Social research, as of last year, more than 5.19 million people were using mobile devices, representing 67% of the world's population. Which is why it is very important for your business to have an app. It will allow you to reach far more potential users.

You can Get your brand known 

Having an application will allow many people to know your brand because you can interact with your audience and carry out loyalty strategies through that platform.

 Improve customer service

With millions of people in the world having smartphones, smartphones are your way of communicating with your business. In fact, the medium can be used to examine complaints, incidents or recommendations related to the company to develop and improve strategies to meet the needs of the target audience.

An easier way to retain your audience 

Within an application, you can carry out strategies such as promotions, contests, segmentation, among other actions that will ultimately benefit you because they will highlight your competitive advantage over your main competitors. It should be noted that according to the We Are Social study, 89% of the use that we dedicate to the cell phone is used in applications.

 You can save by carrying out advertising campaigns

App creation isn't cheap, as it has to meet the necessities of the business. However, it is the most recommended for the future since it allows for more actions and advertisements, all cheaper than any conventional media.

 What does the future look like for applications using new technologies?

Technology and the Internet are advancing rapidly around the world. In fact, they are already benefiting different sectors, including digital marketing.

For example, 5G networks have been rolled out in every country in the world for several months now. This is a cellular network that is 100 times faster than fiber optics and 10 times faster than its predecessor, his 4G network. It only offers a 5 ms delay, or charge which allows you to connect in real time from anywhere in the world. This enables apps to run campaigns and broadcasts in real time as well.

Not to mention the current development of artificial intelligence. This will allow us very soon to incorporate augmented reality, 360-degree displays, holograms and biometric identification into our daily lives.

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