?pid=2700338&fmt=gif The importance of digital presence for new businesses - Emerald Studio

The importance of digital presence for new businesses - Emerald Studio

The importance of digital presence for new businesses

La importancia de la presencia digital para las nuevas empresas

Today, having a strong online presence is almost a necessity for the growth of a new business. The COVID crisis and its many quarantines has birthed the need to rethink the traditional business model. The way companies have always operated is no longer good enough in the world's current context, so much has been revealed in 2020.

Many new entrepreneurs will make the simple choice of not investing any time or resources building a digital presence, and will prioritize other endeavors. Surely, a great online presence will come at a price, but, in the long run, it will never compare to the cost of its absence. 

 But… What is an online presence? 

Having a digital presence isn't just about selling products online, it's about growing your business and attracting a wider audience. Which includes many aspects that change from one company to another.

However, every business can somehow benefit from some form of online presence. Today, it is almost indispensable to have, if not all, at least a single reinforcing element of online presence. Which could be any of the following:

  • Social media pages (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.)
  • Sites compatible with PCs and mobile phones
  • Digital advertising (PPC, banners)
  • Content and blogs
  • Online reviews
  • Business directory entries (Yelp, Google My Business)
  • Map packages (Google and Apple Maps)

A digital presence facilitates customer experiences. Before contacting the business, they already have an idea of who we are and what we do. They have enough information for research, product investigations, on prices and on the business entirely in digital format.

 Why is digital presence so important?

Many new businesses have yet to understand how important it can be for them to be online. They underestimate the potential it has for attracting new opportunities.

Others are hesitant to participate because they don't understand what they need to do, and many don't know who to turn to for help.

Some entrepreneurs even tend to think, "The Internet is not for me and my customers."

They believe that customers only want the personalized service they receive when shopping in person. They couldn't be further from reality.

There are obviously many customers who prefer to shop in person. These people also use Google to find the store, its opening hours and the directions to get there.

Not having a digital presence today is simply equal to not existing in this day and age.

Here are some great benefits or having a digital presence: 

 It makes you visible

A small business cannot be everywhere at all times. But, with an online presence, it can. Through search engines, social media and industry forums, people can learn about your company.

On average, 33% of the time people spend online is spent on social media. So, if your customers are there, so should your business. But most importantly, your competitors are probably already there and your business is just missing out on potential revenue you aren't on social media.

A website makes our company more trustworthy. People assume that companies with websites are professional and established in their field. Additionally, prospects who didn't know about your business can find you by searching for anything related to your field on Google.

People like to buy, but they don't like to be sold things. The visibility your online presence provides allows customers to browse your online store and decide whether to buy from you without any pressure.

 It is always available

Physical stores are open 8 to 12 hours a day. This deprives them of 12-16 hours of selling or communicating information to potential customers. A digital presence means that our company and its products are visible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Having a website and active social media channel is like having another active salesman. The difference is that this one stays awake and works long after the others lock up.

The internet never sleeps, so thanks to your online presence, your company is always active when others are looking for it. Integrations that facilitate the search for prospects and easily sync to your business' website and your social media, guarantee a higher reach and drive customers down the sales funnel

This allows you to double your profits even while you sleep and grow your business. Not to mention boost your marketing efforts, which isn't exactly the forte of many SMEs.

 It helps you get to know your customers

Being online is a great way to get to know your customers. You can talk to them on your social media, make sure they interact with your content and see how they react to it. You can incentivize them to buy products from you they didn't know they needed.

Even if you are just getting started and can only maintain a Whatsapp Business account active, it is a great way to listen to your customers and look out for the opportunities for new and improved products.

Digital marketing has made it much easier to keep in touch with customers. You now have the opportunity to reach out to their audience in a more direct manner. At the same time, it is a way to get more and better information about your customers' expectations and needs. How you use this customer information is key to your success

 It helps you become a leader in your industry

The first impression that your customer gathers from you and your business is always the most important. Just like with people, first impressions last. This first contact between the customer and your business is something you can control with your online presence.

A quality digital profile and an engaging website will draw attention to your business and make a good first impression amongst potential customers.

Having a digital presence and using it effectively can help your company become a leader in your industry. From posting informative content to posting demo videos, our digital presence shows our customers why they should buy from us.

 It surpasses traditional marketing methods

A digital presence helps businesses to reconcile with old marketing methods. Online promotion of your brand is easier and more direct. No more printing and distributing flyers, placing ads in local papers, and wondering who saw it. Easier to measure and much more informative.

Small businesses and large businesses alike recognize the importance of being easily discoverable on the web. This will continue to grow in importance in the years to come.

Change your business strategy and launch your product within the digital movement. Deliver the brand message you want and attract the kind of customer you need. A strong digital presence helps you with all of that. Experience digital marketing and watch how your brand reaches new horizons.

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